DC_World in 2050_CoverAnnouncing the January 2016 Issue I, Vol X Cover Story: Global Joblessness - The Real Number Featured: Youth Unemployment; Millennials and the Future of Work; Education Diplomacy, and more! Download the entire edition for free here or email us to order a hard copy of the book. Washington, DC: Four years ago, in an article for the G20 Summit magazine (produced by Diplomatic Courier), Kris Gopalakrishnan wrote that businesses and governments across the world are just now beginning to come to terms with the new reality of the post-crisis era. Unlike previous crises, success will be determined not only by the availability of financial capital but increasingly, human capital. This emerging global war for talent involves three key issues: changing demographic profiles, technology development and consequent productivity increase, and skill gaps and demand-supply mismatches.  Mr. Gopalakrishnan’s predictions at the Los Cabos Summit in 2012 were spot on. Today, we are dealing with a paradox: 200 million people unemployed worldwide—40 million in the advanced economies and 75 million of which are youth—and global companies still have millions of unfilled positions. So relevant were his findings that they inspired our first Global Talent Summit. In 2013 we gathered at the National Press Club were business leaders, civil society, media personalities, diplomats, and other influentials looked at the future of jobs. The conversations reverberated at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos a week later, and globally with over 88 million social media impressions—thanks to our broadcasting live to digital influencers in over 140 countries. We narrowed our focus in 2014 for the second Global Talent Summit, to zero in on the role that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) will play in narrowing the talent and skills gap. And on our third year of this very successful convening we are bringing data gurus, innovators, educators and industry leaders to discuss the demands placed on today’s diverse and global workforce with a lens towards the World in 2050. To thrive in a rapidly evolving, technology-focused world, future job seekers must not only possess strong skills in areas such as language arts, mathematics, and science, but also skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, persistence, collaboration, and curiosity. However, data shows students are not attaining these critical employability skills. The summit’s brain trust, which includes our most enduring thought partner, Gallup, hope to fill this gap with substantive discussion and brainstorming that shares best practices and innovative ideas. We are excited to announce that the Summit’s findings will be synthesized into a post-summit report, which Diplomatic Courier will distribute at major leadership gatherings in 2016, including, the G20/B20 Summits in China, the G7 Summit in Japan, the APEC Summit in Peru, and Davos. We asked Mr. Gopalakrishan again to reflect on these issues vis-à-vis youth. His piece on youth unemployment expands on his thoughts on global talent mobility offering a fresh perspective on the issue that plagues most governments in the world today. We then took these concepts and invited industry and thought leaders to contribute to this special bookazine edition of Diplomatic Courier, the first of a series of five keepsake anthologies forecasting to the World in 2050. The other four will be released at our other summits this year: Health and Wellbeing, Global Peace, Cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things. We are excited to show you some of the best—38 to be exact—of a diverse pool of features and mini chapters on the future of jobs, talent, education, the workplace, and the global economy. At our inaugural Global Talent Summit I wrote about my own thoughts about the future of jobs. As an entrepreneur that also happens to be a Millennial, I decided to zero in on a (now established) trend facilitated by the development of technology and the Internet. We’ve coined it the Gig Economy and it is a workforce evolution.  Since the global financial crisis commenced in 2008, more and more people have turned to freelancing, which allows them the flexibility to work from home, learn and adapt in their own space, and even make decent earnings.  Digital freelancers, according to an Accenture study, represent a growing portion of American workers today—almost 20 percent. Another group, Freelancers Union, puts the figure at 42 million. Other studies show the numbers are growing. The internet and technology developments have made this sector a viable opportunity both for freelancers—who may not be able to find steady employment—and for companies that are able to reduce overall labor costs and attract talent wherever they can find it across the globe. Gig seeking freelancers range from graphic designers to lawyers and in this system they compete with counterparts around the world. It is a fascinating sector to watch as these freelancers have already managed to break down immigration barriers and are employable across borders. I am proud to present this anthology to our participants at the Global Talent Summit—a gift from our team at Diplomatic Courier. You will find valuable musings on what the future holds for education, jobs and job creation from the perspectives of business leaders of global companies, civil society, and top diplomats representing nations that are leading the way in prosperity. As always, I welcome your thoughts and ideas and look forward to engaging with you as we build a platform for a better world together. Ana C. Rold is Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Diplomatic Courier.  

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