
s we prepare to host Diplomatic Courier's annual Wellbeing Forum in October, we’ve decided to look after the physical and mental wellbeing of our workplace. With an exciting but also frighteningly busy remainder of 2023 just around the corner, Diplomatic Courier’s staff is “Gone Fishing,” which is just our way of saying that we’re taking some time away to recharge and reconnect with family and friends. We hope you have the chance to do the same. We’ll be back to our regular publication schedule right after Labor Day! 

Not to worry, we aren’t going anywhere and we aren’t leaving you completely without reading material! There will be a small amount of new content still coming through. It has also become a tradition during our summer and winter breaks (measured by seasons in Washington, D.C., our publication’s home) to bring some attention to articles we’ve published earlier in the year. These are articles which our staff either felt was a particularly excellent read, or an article which was published previously but still (or again!) has particular relevance today. You can find the entire list below, while on social media we’ll be highlighting a few reads from the list.

Geopolitical Competition




Artificial Intelligence


Shane Szarkowski
Dr. Shane C. Szarkowski is Editor–in–Chief of Diplomatic Courier and the Executive Director of World in 2050.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.

a global affairs media network


Diplomatic Courier’s “Gone Fishing” Summer Reading List

Image via Unsplash.

August 14, 2023

Diplomatic Courier's staff is hanging up our "mostly out of office" sign for a few weeks to rest and recharge before end of summer (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway). While we're away, here is our "best of" summer reading list to help tide you over until our return—and thanks for reading!


s we prepare to host Diplomatic Courier's annual Wellbeing Forum in October, we’ve decided to look after the physical and mental wellbeing of our workplace. With an exciting but also frighteningly busy remainder of 2023 just around the corner, Diplomatic Courier’s staff is “Gone Fishing,” which is just our way of saying that we’re taking some time away to recharge and reconnect with family and friends. We hope you have the chance to do the same. We’ll be back to our regular publication schedule right after Labor Day! 

Not to worry, we aren’t going anywhere and we aren’t leaving you completely without reading material! There will be a small amount of new content still coming through. It has also become a tradition during our summer and winter breaks (measured by seasons in Washington, D.C., our publication’s home) to bring some attention to articles we’ve published earlier in the year. These are articles which our staff either felt was a particularly excellent read, or an article which was published previously but still (or again!) has particular relevance today. You can find the entire list below, while on social media we’ll be highlighting a few reads from the list.

Geopolitical Competition




Artificial Intelligence


Shane Szarkowski
Dr. Shane C. Szarkowski is Editor–in–Chief of Diplomatic Courier and the Executive Director of World in 2050.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.