
iplomatic Courier and World in 2050 present the 2023 Global Goals in Action Forum from September 19-21 in New York City in parallel with the 78th annual United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting. The gatherings include: “Education Reimagined: Investing in Youth to Help Achieve SDG 4” on September 21 and “Innovation Unleashed: Fostering Innovation Through Partnerships & Sustainable Regulation to Achieve SDG 9” on September 19.

The Global Goals in Action is Diplomatic Courier’s annual UNGA high-level series forums that bring together leaders from boardrooms and C-Suite, UN Member States, UN agencies, and international organizations so that they can leverage their experience, access to market, and resources toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In companion with the Global Goals in Action Forum, Diplomatic Courier has published a special edition on the occasion of the 78th UNGA with articles and insights into the most important themes of this year’s meeting.

September 19 Forum: Rising to the technological contest of our times is about spurring more equitable economic growth, making people owners rather than technological serfs, and harnessing otherwise stranded assets and aspirations. What role will innovation play in bringing more equity, accessibility, and prosperity? What is the role of regulation in helping usher innovation that is in service of humanity? This forum will bring together experts solving for SDG9—Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and SDG17—Partnerships for the Goals.

September 21 Forum: In this interactive, high-level forum, we will examine results from two major global surveys measuring perspectives from both educators and students on the State of Education for Sustainable Development broadly, with specific focus on Climate Education. Together, speakers and delegates will delve into the underlying data behind teacher and student responses, recognizing challenges, and identifying solutions, while exploring opportunities for industry impact. The forum will demonstrate the critical importance of investing in youth to achieve the UN SDGs and industry goals through youth engagement and illustrate how industry and education partnerships can work together to provide new skills sets required to reach a net-zero future.

In addition to the forum series, Diplomatic Courier will also support a number of other UNGA side events as a media partner. To learn more about our past and future programming visit: https://worldin2050.diplomaticourier.com/global-summits-forums/

‍For questions on this media advisory please contact us at press@diplomaticourier.org.

The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.

a global affairs media network


Diplomatic Courier Announces the 2023 Global Goals in Action Forum Series to be Held at UNGA 78

September 18, 2023

Diplomatic Courier and World in 2050 present the 2023 Global Goals in Action Forum from September 19-21 in New York City in parallel with the 78th annual United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting.


iplomatic Courier and World in 2050 present the 2023 Global Goals in Action Forum from September 19-21 in New York City in parallel with the 78th annual United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting. The gatherings include: “Education Reimagined: Investing in Youth to Help Achieve SDG 4” on September 21 and “Innovation Unleashed: Fostering Innovation Through Partnerships & Sustainable Regulation to Achieve SDG 9” on September 19.

The Global Goals in Action is Diplomatic Courier’s annual UNGA high-level series forums that bring together leaders from boardrooms and C-Suite, UN Member States, UN agencies, and international organizations so that they can leverage their experience, access to market, and resources toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In companion with the Global Goals in Action Forum, Diplomatic Courier has published a special edition on the occasion of the 78th UNGA with articles and insights into the most important themes of this year’s meeting.

September 19 Forum: Rising to the technological contest of our times is about spurring more equitable economic growth, making people owners rather than technological serfs, and harnessing otherwise stranded assets and aspirations. What role will innovation play in bringing more equity, accessibility, and prosperity? What is the role of regulation in helping usher innovation that is in service of humanity? This forum will bring together experts solving for SDG9—Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and SDG17—Partnerships for the Goals.

September 21 Forum: In this interactive, high-level forum, we will examine results from two major global surveys measuring perspectives from both educators and students on the State of Education for Sustainable Development broadly, with specific focus on Climate Education. Together, speakers and delegates will delve into the underlying data behind teacher and student responses, recognizing challenges, and identifying solutions, while exploring opportunities for industry impact. The forum will demonstrate the critical importance of investing in youth to achieve the UN SDGs and industry goals through youth engagement and illustrate how industry and education partnerships can work together to provide new skills sets required to reach a net-zero future.

In addition to the forum series, Diplomatic Courier will also support a number of other UNGA side events as a media partner. To learn more about our past and future programming visit: https://worldin2050.diplomaticourier.com/global-summits-forums/

‍For questions on this media advisory please contact us at press@diplomaticourier.org.

The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.