
Welcome to Around the World! This week we discuss the coup in Thailand, recovery in the Philippines, and Ukraine's elections.

Resilience in the Philippines in the Face of Natural Calamities

Resilience in the Philippines in the Face of Natural Calamities

Six months after Typhoon Haiyan and disaster in the Philippines, as the Government of the Philippines and numerous relief organizations work together, the challenge will be how well they can realize the vision of “building back better”. Read more here.

Interview: Jose L. Cuisia, Ambassador of the Republic of Philippines to the United States

Interview: Jose L. Cuisia, Ambassador of the Republic of Philippines to the United States

In an interview conducted by Ambassador Stuart Holliday, Ambassador Jose Cuisia describes how he successfully navigates the complexities of Washington while pursuing his country’s trade, economic, and security agenda, and recommends core skills that leaders must develop for success on the global stage. Read the interview here.

Human Trafficking in the Philippines: A Blemish on Economic Growth

Human Trafficking in the Philippines: A Blemish on Economic Growth

Despite economic growth, the Philippines continue to be one of the largest source countries for sex trafficking and forced labor victims around the world. Read more about it here.

Water From the Desert

Water From the Desert

With sewage treatment plants destroyed along with their water purification system during Typhoon Haiyan, over 200,000 Filipinos were left without sanitary water. A Utah-based bottled water company answered the call for assistance. Read more about it here.

Ukraine's Presidential Elections Look to Normalization

Ukraine's Presidential Elections Look to Normalization

Presidential elections, set to take place tomorrow, will be a key factor in the normalization and stabilization of Ukraine. HE Olexander Motsyk, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States, discusses the political outlook in his country. Read more about it here.

Another Coup, Finally

Another Coup, Finally

This is not Thailand's first coup, but will it be its last? Read more about it here.

Around the Web

What really happened in Chile in 1973? According to a former CIA officer writing for Foreign Affairs, the CIA had nothing to do with the coup that overthrew Salvador Allende.

Malawi's elections have fallen into chaos, as President Joyce Banda has declared this week's election "null and void" over serious allegations of misconduct and called for a fresh vote. According to The Telegraph, "Ms. Banda alleged people had voted multiple times, ballots had been tampered with, presiding officers arrested, and the computerised voter counting system collapsed." President Banda and her supporters have pointed to her electoral adversary, Peter Mutharika, who is already facing treason charges over pre-election actions, as being behind the chaos. Because of having to cancel the election, President Banda has stated she will not run for reelection in the rescheduled elections.

The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.

a global affairs media network


Around the World!

May 27, 2014

Welcome to Around the World! This week we discuss the coup in Thailand, recovery in the Philippines, and Ukraine's elections.

Resilience in the Philippines in the Face of Natural Calamities

Resilience in the Philippines in the Face of Natural Calamities

Six months after Typhoon Haiyan and disaster in the Philippines, as the Government of the Philippines and numerous relief organizations work together, the challenge will be how well they can realize the vision of “building back better”. Read more here.

Interview: Jose L. Cuisia, Ambassador of the Republic of Philippines to the United States

Interview: Jose L. Cuisia, Ambassador of the Republic of Philippines to the United States

In an interview conducted by Ambassador Stuart Holliday, Ambassador Jose Cuisia describes how he successfully navigates the complexities of Washington while pursuing his country’s trade, economic, and security agenda, and recommends core skills that leaders must develop for success on the global stage. Read the interview here.

Human Trafficking in the Philippines: A Blemish on Economic Growth

Human Trafficking in the Philippines: A Blemish on Economic Growth

Despite economic growth, the Philippines continue to be one of the largest source countries for sex trafficking and forced labor victims around the world. Read more about it here.

Water From the Desert

Water From the Desert

With sewage treatment plants destroyed along with their water purification system during Typhoon Haiyan, over 200,000 Filipinos were left without sanitary water. A Utah-based bottled water company answered the call for assistance. Read more about it here.

Ukraine's Presidential Elections Look to Normalization

Ukraine's Presidential Elections Look to Normalization

Presidential elections, set to take place tomorrow, will be a key factor in the normalization and stabilization of Ukraine. HE Olexander Motsyk, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States, discusses the political outlook in his country. Read more about it here.

Another Coup, Finally

Another Coup, Finally

This is not Thailand's first coup, but will it be its last? Read more about it here.

Around the Web

What really happened in Chile in 1973? According to a former CIA officer writing for Foreign Affairs, the CIA had nothing to do with the coup that overthrew Salvador Allende.

Malawi's elections have fallen into chaos, as President Joyce Banda has declared this week's election "null and void" over serious allegations of misconduct and called for a fresh vote. According to The Telegraph, "Ms. Banda alleged people had voted multiple times, ballots had been tampered with, presiding officers arrested, and the computerised voter counting system collapsed." President Banda and her supporters have pointed to her electoral adversary, Peter Mutharika, who is already facing treason charges over pre-election actions, as being behind the chaos. Because of having to cancel the election, President Banda has stated she will not run for reelection in the rescheduled elections.

The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.